Mazda Miata MX-5 Rear LED Strip Console Controller
Who wants one? Saddle over to this page for more info on how to get your hands on a flavour of this. May 2022 Phase IV: Just finished what I hope to be the final iteration of this project. I've been searching for a wider colour IPS display and found one that will do (for now :-). Ideally, I'd like to fill the full area below in order to properly display the seatbeat and airbag…
Basement Disco: NeoPixel Music Sync with MSGEQ7
I didn't have a lot of time in 2019 for projects as much of it was dedicated to finishing the basement. A year ago it was nothing more than concrete, storage and dustballs. Took the job on myself and did everything except hanging drywall and mudding (I hate that part). Best part of doing your own basement is you get to hack in all the bits and pieces necessary for future projects - like LED…